Notion Music

“I Believe there is a musician inside each of us and Notion allows that the musician in each of us can shine, allowing anyone to have a personal relationship with music. Touching and shaping music in this way is different than only listening and or dancing to it. Notion & Beamz lets you be the DJ or the conductor where waving your hands to move music can be a very moving experience.”

Roy Wooten – Drummer with Bela Fleck & the Flecktones Grammy Award Winner

An award winning,unique, music software suite Banerasoft has designed and created in collaboration with Famous American Composer Dr. Jack M. Jarrett

  • Notion Music is a software suite developed by Banerasoft Inc. in collaboration with the Famous American Composer Dr. Jack M. Jarrett. Numerous touring broadway shows such as Annie and the Wizard of Oz have used Notion to supplement their live musicians.
  • Award winning first software of its kind designed for music composition and performance generation
  • Combines an intuitive notation processor, a powerful playback engine, a Library of sampled sounds in one shrink wrapped package
  • NOTION supports the natural workflow of a music writer from conception to final realisation in performance
  • Core Technologies: C++, GDI+, MFC & DirectX
  • The minds behind NOTION are the minds of Banerasoft


Are you a musician? A DJ or a sound editor or simply a music enthusiast or a surfing investor keen with keen interest in music? Would you be interested in knowing more about product development capabilities for the music industry? Let’s talk about ideas related to the music world. Get in touch with us for we are very passionate about the contributions of music and its importance in today’s world. We would be very excited to connect with you on this note. Contact us.

Do you have a project that you would like to discuss? Or just want to say hello? Drop us a line and we will get back to you as soon as we can!